Friday, June 24, 2016

Not Just Another Blog

While this is my 6th time starting a blog, this is more than just another blog. I've always been interested in blogging and I dream of having a big following someday and posting things that people will find interesting, relevant, and meaningful.

With that said, I'm not opposed to spending some money for a more official looking blog that will catch more attention, and hopefully help me share what I think is important with others who can relate to me and learn from me.

But before I put money where my mouth is, I want to make sure I am serious about starting a real blog. So, this is a trial. If I can keep this blog up and not abandon it because I get to busy or because I feel like it's a lame blog, then I can put some money into making a better blog.

I'm calling this blog Truth, Beauty, and The Good because those three things create the essence of life.  I took a challenging, life changing Shakespeare class my last semester of college and we focused on Truth, Beauty, and The Good. These three things gave me a new outlook on life, and I hope they will change you for the better too.

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