Monday, August 29, 2016


Today I'm grateful. I've been productive, and I've had a good couple of weeks. Feeling good about everything I'm doing has put me in a very grateful mood. There is so much to be grateful for!

I'm grateful for my job, my family, my husband, my home, my bed, my kitchen, etc.

It's so important to be grateful. Especially when it's hard. That's what I need to work on. It's so easy to be grateful when things are good. But how much more meaningful is it to be grateful when it's hard?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

When we fall we can get back up

Lately I've been having a hard time motivating myself. It'd been over a month since I stopped running. I felt tired and unproductive. I was working a lot and struggling to take care of myself.

I've recently started running again and I was thinking that just because I lag or stop doing something that I know is important, doesn't mean it's over. Just because we fall, doesn't mean we can't get back up.

It was hard to start again. It was hard to get out there and run. Part of me certainly thought about giving up. And I'm barely running a mile each morning. But I'm out there. I'm doing something. And I've been feeling better about myself. Running in the morning is a good start to my day and it helps me feel energized and productive during the rest of the day.

When you fall, don't be afraid to get back up. It may be hard, but it will be worth it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What kind of blogger to be?

Recently I've realized that I'm having a hard time staying up with this blog (my posts have become short and few), because I'm not blogging about my truest passion. As much as I love thinking about life and writing about how I see the world, that's only part of who I am.

I love so many things, and I want to write about everything! It's hard sometimes. I know a successful blog needs an audience. And the audience can't be too big or too small. So, how do I find a way to write about all my passions? Or, how do I pick which ones to write about?

I like writing about my thoughts and impressions about life, but I also want to write about my hobbies like running and writing and cooking. And when I'm a mother I know I will want to write about being a mommy. But I don't want to just be another mommy blogger.

Comment with any advice or suggestions.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Motivation for the Future

Lately I've been watching a lot of HGTV renovation shows. It gets me so excited for the future. Right now I live in an apartment and I don't have the freedom or flexibility to make my home what I really want it to be. I love where I live and it's just right for our stage of life, but I'm excited for the next stage. I'm excited to progress in life and reach the point where I can own my own home and do whatever I want with it.

I can make it exactly what I want it to be. Just like, with time and hard work, I can make myself exactly who I want to be. Right now, I'm a temporary employee, full time wife, and I'm learning to be a cook. But I want to be a mother, a marathon runner, an author, a better disciple of Christ. Who I am now is not who I want to be.

I'm excited for the future because I can continually strive to become my best self.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Bridges of Life

Metaphorically close your eyes and picture a bridge. What is it made out of? Wood? Concrete? Is it sturdy or a little shaky? Does it cross over a simple stream or a raging river? Is it long or short? Where does it lead?

Open your eyes. There are so many bridges in the world, just like there are so many bridges in our lives. They could represent trials or the end of one chapter in life and the beginning of another. Sometimes they are easy to cross and we barely have to slow down. Sometimes they are short and it doesn't take long to cross. We can see what awaits us on the other side and we are excited to press forward. Other times, life's bridges can be treacherous and long. Sometimes it seems there is no end in sight and we don't know what lies ahead. When we face these bridges it is important to remember that they do have an end and that we will find safety on the other side.

What are the bridges in your life and how do you cross them?

Monday, August 8, 2016

Being a Person who Blends

Once upon a time, a woman who had written tons of famous songs auditioned for a prestigious choir. After the audition she was told that although she didn't sing extremely well, she had made the choir because her voice would blend all the other voices. This was a good thing because too many perfect voices would sound unreal. Too good. Her voice would blend with the others to improve them in a unique way.

How often do we go into situations hoping to be the best at something. How often do we worry, feel bad, or compare ourselves to others wishing we were stronger or better at something. 

How much different would we feel about others and ourselves if we focus on how our talents improve others. 

How are you a blender?