Thursday, September 1, 2016

Planning the Jump

Hey all,

I've been getting really excited about starting a real blog. I know I haven't published on this one as much as I've wanted to but I've been doing a lot of research and brainstorming. I've decided what kind of blogger I want to be!

I want to blog about family. I know this will undoubtedly turn into more or less of a mommy blogger, but since I want to be so much more than that, I can also talk about marriage. Also, I want to blog about cooking and my hobbies. I cook for my family so that is easy. And I think I can blog about my hobbies using the angle that my family is the most important thing EVER, but I have to take care of ME before I can take care of them. It's a fine line because I NEVER wan't to portray to an audience that there is something more important than being a wife and/or mother, but I want women to know they still have a right to live their dreams and follow their passions. Our families should be our number one priority, but they don't have to be our only priority. I want to be able to focus on that. I also really want to focus on the idea that there is no perfect family.

We hear the stereotypes of families with one daughter and one son. They live in a cute house with a perfectly trimmed yard. And don't forget that white picket fence. But has anyone ever met this kind of family? I have not. I want to help people see that the family they have is the best one for them and rather than wishing for that perfect family, they should take what they have and make it *their* perfect family. The family that is perfect for them and nobody else.

I mean, how many kids say that they have the best mom? It seems like there are too many "best mom's" running around. Which mom is really "the best"? I think they all are. Because everyone is different and requires different forms of love or attention, everyone is entitled to the best mom for them.

Right now, I'm struggling to come up with the right name for my blog. I've been brainstorming names all morning and I'll find one that I really like, only to learn that the domain name (part of the URL) is already taken. I'm also trying to find a name that I love, not just one I can live with. I want to blog long-term so I need a name that I'm going to stick with. While I ponder just what to name my blog and how to organize the kind of blogging I want to do, I'll use this blog to think through my ideas.

Please let me know if you have any feedback or ideas!

Monday, August 29, 2016


Today I'm grateful. I've been productive, and I've had a good couple of weeks. Feeling good about everything I'm doing has put me in a very grateful mood. There is so much to be grateful for!

I'm grateful for my job, my family, my husband, my home, my bed, my kitchen, etc.

It's so important to be grateful. Especially when it's hard. That's what I need to work on. It's so easy to be grateful when things are good. But how much more meaningful is it to be grateful when it's hard?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

When we fall we can get back up

Lately I've been having a hard time motivating myself. It'd been over a month since I stopped running. I felt tired and unproductive. I was working a lot and struggling to take care of myself.

I've recently started running again and I was thinking that just because I lag or stop doing something that I know is important, doesn't mean it's over. Just because we fall, doesn't mean we can't get back up.

It was hard to start again. It was hard to get out there and run. Part of me certainly thought about giving up. And I'm barely running a mile each morning. But I'm out there. I'm doing something. And I've been feeling better about myself. Running in the morning is a good start to my day and it helps me feel energized and productive during the rest of the day.

When you fall, don't be afraid to get back up. It may be hard, but it will be worth it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

What kind of blogger to be?

Recently I've realized that I'm having a hard time staying up with this blog (my posts have become short and few), because I'm not blogging about my truest passion. As much as I love thinking about life and writing about how I see the world, that's only part of who I am.

I love so many things, and I want to write about everything! It's hard sometimes. I know a successful blog needs an audience. And the audience can't be too big or too small. So, how do I find a way to write about all my passions? Or, how do I pick which ones to write about?

I like writing about my thoughts and impressions about life, but I also want to write about my hobbies like running and writing and cooking. And when I'm a mother I know I will want to write about being a mommy. But I don't want to just be another mommy blogger.

Comment with any advice or suggestions.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Motivation for the Future

Lately I've been watching a lot of HGTV renovation shows. It gets me so excited for the future. Right now I live in an apartment and I don't have the freedom or flexibility to make my home what I really want it to be. I love where I live and it's just right for our stage of life, but I'm excited for the next stage. I'm excited to progress in life and reach the point where I can own my own home and do whatever I want with it.

I can make it exactly what I want it to be. Just like, with time and hard work, I can make myself exactly who I want to be. Right now, I'm a temporary employee, full time wife, and I'm learning to be a cook. But I want to be a mother, a marathon runner, an author, a better disciple of Christ. Who I am now is not who I want to be.

I'm excited for the future because I can continually strive to become my best self.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Bridges of Life

Metaphorically close your eyes and picture a bridge. What is it made out of? Wood? Concrete? Is it sturdy or a little shaky? Does it cross over a simple stream or a raging river? Is it long or short? Where does it lead?

Open your eyes. There are so many bridges in the world, just like there are so many bridges in our lives. They could represent trials or the end of one chapter in life and the beginning of another. Sometimes they are easy to cross and we barely have to slow down. Sometimes they are short and it doesn't take long to cross. We can see what awaits us on the other side and we are excited to press forward. Other times, life's bridges can be treacherous and long. Sometimes it seems there is no end in sight and we don't know what lies ahead. When we face these bridges it is important to remember that they do have an end and that we will find safety on the other side.

What are the bridges in your life and how do you cross them?

Monday, August 8, 2016

Being a Person who Blends

Once upon a time, a woman who had written tons of famous songs auditioned for a prestigious choir. After the audition she was told that although she didn't sing extremely well, she had made the choir because her voice would blend all the other voices. This was a good thing because too many perfect voices would sound unreal. Too good. Her voice would blend with the others to improve them in a unique way.

How often do we go into situations hoping to be the best at something. How often do we worry, feel bad, or compare ourselves to others wishing we were stronger or better at something. 

How much different would we feel about others and ourselves if we focus on how our talents improve others. 

How are you a blender?

Friday, July 29, 2016

Importance of starting the day right

Have you ever noticed how your day is different depending on how you start your morning?

Are you up at a decent hour or did you sleep until noon?

Did you eat a good breakfast or did you have a pop-tart?

Did you shower and get dressed or are you in sweats and a sloppy bun?

Sometimes, these things are acceptable and necessary, but I definitely notice that my days are most productive when I start right. If my day starts well it is so much easier for me to stay motivated and energized.

If I have a lazy start the day feels wasted and I don't want to do anything else.

I've read a few articles about how to have productive mornings and right now, my favorite tip is drinking water. I used to hate drinking water in the morning, and I still need my glass of milk with breakfast. But I've downloaded an app that reminds me to drink water and I've been drinking more water in a day than I ever have.  And starting earlier than I used to definitely helps me feel good during the day.

What do you do in the morning to stay productive throughout the busy day?

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Book Club=Truth, Beauty, and Good

I've accomplished one of my lifetime goals. I joined a book club. I don't know why it has taken me this long, but I am glad it has finally happened. 

I love reading and experiencing new stories and new ideas through literature. I can be sitting on my bed but feel like I'm traveling the world. I love it. I love the way books can shape who I am and help me think about the world in new ways. Books open my mind and expand my horizons.

This book club has taken the joy I get from reading one step further. It is so enjoyable to talk about why a book is so meaningful with other people that value literature. It's comforting to have friends agree with and understand why a book is so meaningful. I also loved hearing my friends insights. They pick up on things I never would have seen and that adds a whole extra layer of meaning and pleasure to a book. 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Pioneer Day

Yesterday was pioneer day. A beautiful time to remember our ancestors and be grateful for all they did to create the lives we now comfortably live.

This pioneer day has been especially meaningful to me. My husband's ancestors were very important in helping the Saints cross the plains. It has been wonderful to learn and celebrate his ancestors as well as mine.

I am so grateful for the pioneers who suffered so much to give their descendants a better life.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Family is Beautiful

Today I am grateful for my wonderful family. Families are one of the most beautiful creations on earth. The blessing of being in a family has brought my life so much joy and goodness. I am who I am because of my family.

My mom is always there for me. We talk about everything and she comforts me when I need it the most.

My dad is always supportive of my ventures and he sacrifices so much to provide for his family.

My sister is an amazing role model. Ever since I was a kid I've been following her footsteps, and I've never regretted it.

My brother is the one who makes me laugh the most. He has helped me see how fun and enjoyable life can be.

My husband is kind, loving, and respectful. He accepts me for who I am; he makes me a better person every day.

Family is beautiful. I'm so grateful for mine. I'm definitely in the family that is best for me. The family that is best for my needs and best for helping me reach my potential. I couldn't  design a better family if I tried.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

TBT to that one time I was a missionary

I've been thinking about my mission a lot lately. Probably because I've been going out with the sister missionaries when I have the time and they need an extra hand.

Near the end of my mission, in my last area, there was a sister that would always help me and my companion. If we had a member present in a lesson, there was a good chance it was her. And she was always feeding us food.

She was such a good member for lessons too because she never spoke too much and she never took control of the lessons. She always respected our calling and bore powerful testimony.

With all the help she gave us it was clear how much she loved and adored us, and the feelings were mutual. She is one of my favorite people on this planet. As I've been helping the missionaries and thinking about my mission, I've thought a lot about this sister and how I vowed to be like her when I got home from my mission.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Being Brave and Persevering

Last night I was very distraught. I was in one of those moods where I felt like I wasn't going anywhere in life. I had a productive day deep cleaning the kitchen, doing two loads of laundry, and other household tasks, but I want my life to be so much more. I want to be the best wife I can be and take care of the house since I am the one at home all day.

But I want to be so much more than that. I have dreams of running a marathon. I have dreams of being a published author. Last night, though, I felt overwhelmed and my dreams seemed impossible. I had been struggling to run more than a mile, and I hadn't written in a long time.

I wanted to give up. I was seriously questioning if I was capable of running a marathon or writing a novel worth publishing. I've run tons of races and written tons of papers/stories. So what was I so afraid of?

I realized that I've never done anything this big. I've never run enough steps to run a marathon and I've never written enough words to create a novel. I wondered if I could do it. And, I wondered if I should do it. Does God want me to do these things, or would he rather I focus my attention on working more or starting a family? What does God want me to do with my life, and how do I know? There are so many wonderful things I can learn and do, sometimes it is hard to know which path is right.

I'm still mulling over a lot of these thoughts, and I don't know that I've come to any clear answers. But I know I am going to keep searching for answers and keep following my dreams. If they are right, I will know it. If they are not, I won't. I've been able to write a good bit late last night and this morning. I also ran three miles this morning.

If we are brave and we persevere, God will guide us.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Truth in Goal Setting

Remember how I told everyone that I recently started working and before that, I had little responsibility demanding my time?

Well, with my new found responsibilities, I'm on a craze to increase my productivity. I like this feeling of having things to do, and I want to maximize it.

So today, I want to talk about goal setting. I know it helps me to set goals. I can compare weeks when I haven't set goals to weeks when I have and the difference is obvious and huge! Goals really help me focus on what is most important and they help me remember what I want to accomplish. I know this works because I can't be productive without goals.

I think the first step to setting goals is being realistic. For example, it isn't realistic for me to set the goal of running a marathon tomorrow. It's a goal of mine to run a marathon, but I could only run a mile this morning. I'm not realistically ready for a marathon. You can't expect yourself to reach perfection and hit your highest goals immediately. Be reasonable with yourself and decide what you can realistically accomplish. Start small and remember that you can always raise the bar later.

The second step is to set goals that are reachable. I once had the goal to be so fluent in Spanish that I would dream in it! Great goal right? NO! I have no control over my dreams. I hear some people can choose the content of their dreams by thinking about something before they want to fall asleep, but alas, I am not that person. I can't choose the content of my dream let alone the language that it is in. I became fluent in Spanish years before I had a dream in the beautiful language. A reachable goal is something that you can measure. Something like, I want to run 3 times this week. Or I want to run 30 miles this week.

The last step to setting a good goal is making a plan. A goal is really hard to achieve if you don't know how you are going to achieve it. What needs to happen for your goal to be achieved? How long does it realistically take? What are you going to do each day or month to achieve that goal. For example, if I want to run 3 times a week I would plan for that goal by deciding which days I want to run and where I want to run. Planning it all out helps me stay motivated. If I don't plan which days I will run, then every morning I'll tell myself I'll run tomorrow until there aren't three days left in the week. But if I know what days I am running, then when that day comes the decision is already made and it can be so much easier to accomplish my goal.

What helps you to accomplish your goals?

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Beauty and Good in Camping

This is kind of a repeat of other beauty posts, but there is just something about camping. Ruffing it and being at one with nature is a beautiful experience that everyone needs to experience.

This weekend my husband and I and some of our friends went camping up in Washington. It was a beautiful campground surrounded by tall trees. Friday night we roasted hot dogs, smores, and star bursts.

Saturday morning we cleaned up, had breakfast burritos, and then headed towards Mt. St. Helen's where we went on an amazing hike.

All in all, there was so much obvious beauty and the whole trip made me so happy. I love camping. I love the chance to set the technology aside and focus on the simpler things.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Productive Days

The power of being productive is huge. There is something so satisfying and so fulfilling about having a full and productive day. A stream of lazy days always makes me grumpy and dissatisfied with myself.

I've just ended a period in my life where I had little to do, and I've recently started a job. It is so nice to have things to fill up my day! I love being productive. I love how it makes me prioritize my time and be the best that I can be.

It makes me focus on what is most important without wasting time on things of little importance. It's funny how I get more done when I have less time.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Eternal Truth

Now it seems like I'm on a Truth streak. Yesterday the closing hymn in Sacrament meeting was "Families Can be Together Forever" I'm NOT one for crying but this song got me all teared up. The second verse talks about preparing for eternal marriage.

As I sang about eternal marriage and looked over at my husband, how could I not be overwhelmed by the Spirit. I am so grateful that families are eternal. I am so grateful that I am sealed to my parents and siblings, my extended family, and my husband. This is the most beautiful Truth that I have.

I know families are eternal. I have felt it deep inside of me. Truth demands the question, "how do we know what we know?" In this case, it is hard to answer how I know. But I do. I guess the answer is through the Spirit. Which, I suppose, is something everyone has to feel for themselves before it can be their Truth. It's my eternal Truth, is it yours?

Friday, July 8, 2016

DNA Truth

Today, I want to talk about Truth. I've posted a bit about Beauty and The Good and I don't want Truth to be forgotten.

While browsing Facebook, I found an amazing video that embraced a Truth many people are unaware of. Thanks to modern science and what we understand about DNA, it is very possible to create precise records of our heritage.

This video brought together a diverse group of people. A DNA sample was connected from each person and the results were returned two weeks later. To see the video, click here.

I don't want to say too much to spoil the magic of the video, but it acts as a powerful reminder that no two humans are really that different. We have a lot in common. So rather than focusing on our differences, lets embrace Truth and except our common ties. Let's be understanding and kind. Let's make the world a better place.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Happy 4th!

I'm a bit late, and I haven't written in a while, but I still wanted to write about the 4th of July. I am so grateful for my country and the freedoms that I have. I am grateful that I can believe what I want to believe. I am grateful that I can do what I want to do. I am grateful that I can be where I want to be. The freedom that I have access to is a gateway to Truth, Beauty, and The Good. I am proud to be an American and I am indebted to those who help keep me free. God Bless America!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Water is Beauty

Remember that list of what Beauty is? Well, today I'm going to modify #3: Beauty invokes a desire to beget. I'm going to show you that Beauty sustains life.

Recently, I downloaded this app on my phone that notifies me when I need to drink water. It has me drinking 70 oz. a day. I've successfully reached my target for the past 2 days. And I can feel a difference. I really like this app because it has fun little facts about the importance of water. It's good for your skin, it can cure headaches, sometimes when you think you are hungry you are actually thirsty, etc.

So, I've been thinking about the importance and Beauty of water. On top of all the wonderful things my phone tells me it does, it sustains life. I cannot live without water. You cannot live without water. Beautiful flowers and trees cannot survive without water. Water sustains and nourishes our amazing bodies and the beautiful world we live in. Water is Beauty.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Marathon Training Goodness

As a high school cross country runner, running is in my blood. And for a long time, I've wanted to train for a marathon. With no kids and a part time job, it feels like a good time to accomplish this dream. Although, it's ALWAYS a good time to accomplish your dreams. That's Truth, Beauty, and Goodness all rolled into one.

It's been a while since I've taken running as seriously as I should, so I'm taking it easy. And I'm in no hurry. I don't want to take on more than I can chew. I don't want to run too far or too fast and overwhelm myself.

So today, I had the blessed opportunity to run down this breathtaking road:

I wasn't on it for long. And for most of the time cars were zoom-zooming past. But for just a moment it felt like time froze and it was me and the world. All I could see were trees. All I could feel was the sun on my face and the sweat trickling down my back. It was a surreal moment--like I had entered a fantasy all of my own. And it made me happy.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Hot Air Beauty

Life is beautiful when you do something new and make memories with those you love.

Saturday morning I had the glorious pleasure of waking up at 4am to see hot air balloons launch into the sky at 6am. My husband and I met up with a good friend of mine and her husband for this early morning adventure.

And although we were tired, it was an experience I will never forget. It was fascinating to see all the colorful hot air balloons fill up and launch right in front of me. There is just something that stirs inside me when I decide to experience something new. And to me, such a feeling, such an experience is just beautiful.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Truth, Beauty, and The Good Defined

For anyone to understand how these terms can be life changing, it is important to understand what they mean. However, I want to stress upfront that these words are so powerful because they aren't restrained to a single meaning and they may mean something different to different people. Ultimately, these words are defined by life; it is the experiences we have that give these words meaning.

But to get started, I will provide a basic definition of Truth, Beauty, and The Good. Just don't forget that your definitions may be different, and they will certainly evolve over time.

Truth is the meaning of life. What do we know? How do we know what we know?

Beauty is the rich life. What is aesthetically pleasing? What phenomenons impact us? How our are perceptions meaningful?
Beauty also:
  1. Encourages attentiveness (greater awareness overall)
  2. Moves thoughts from actual to potential reality (greater access to expanse of reality)
  3. Invokes a desire to beget (life, dance, art)
  4. Transforms things (Grace makes beauty out of ugly things)
  5. Incites deliberation (encourages deeper meditation)
  6. Feel its removal when you feel its loss as a retraction of life.
  7. Prompts the mind to past and future and to pull the past and the future in relation into the present (think Family History).
  8. Shares ground with the sacred--induces longing for divine. Longing transforms to questions of Truth and The Good.

The Good is the life of Genuine Happiness. What ethical principles do we hold ourselves to? What makes us happy?

With these definitions in tow, we will be able to explore life in a new and glorious way!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Not Just Another Blog

While this is my 6th time starting a blog, this is more than just another blog. I've always been interested in blogging and I dream of having a big following someday and posting things that people will find interesting, relevant, and meaningful.

With that said, I'm not opposed to spending some money for a more official looking blog that will catch more attention, and hopefully help me share what I think is important with others who can relate to me and learn from me.

But before I put money where my mouth is, I want to make sure I am serious about starting a real blog. So, this is a trial. If I can keep this blog up and not abandon it because I get to busy or because I feel like it's a lame blog, then I can put some money into making a better blog.

I'm calling this blog Truth, Beauty, and The Good because those three things create the essence of life.  I took a challenging, life changing Shakespeare class my last semester of college and we focused on Truth, Beauty, and The Good. These three things gave me a new outlook on life, and I hope they will change you for the better too.